Sunday, 21 January 2018

Double Chin Fat Removal at Juvea Aesthetics Harley Street

I was invited by Holly Faulkner to Juvea Aesthetics in Harley Street for a new laser fat reduction treatment under my chin which I jumped at as I do have a mild fatty deposit under my chin that is so stubborn, I can't seem to shift whatever I do.

The treatment is called Scuplsure using the FDA approved Cynosure laser machine.  Fat cells are destroyed and do not regenerate.  As I only have a mild double chin, I was told that I will only need 2 treatments 4 weeks apart.  This is the only safe treatment on the maket to effective target under chin fat with permanent results.

My head was secured into head gear with the laser tool directly and firmly strapped under my chin avoiding pushing on my neck.  I couldn't talk very much as it is quite tight, you have to be prepared for this and not suffer with claustrophobia.  The treatment warms up over 90 seconds and it feels hot and tingly.  You can always as for the power to be turned down if your threshold is not good.  This treatment lasts for 25 minutes only, during this time you get 15 seconds blasts of heat and then 15 seconds of cooling alternatively.   During the 25 minutes the build of the heat slowly increases and the aesthetics technician is always there and checking on the patients welfare.  When the treatment was over, it was a relief to get the head gear off.  There is no downtime and virtually no aftercare.  Just gently massage with feathery strokes from time to time to help the fat break down and drink lots of water to help flush the fat cells from the body.  It is also advised to avoid fatty foods and white carbohydrates.  

I can see and feel a difference already and this will continue to work over the coming weeks, I'm looking forward to my next treatment.  There was no noticeable swelling, no discomfort and no soreness or pain after this treatment. This treatment is £500 per session and is very effective.  Cynosure also sell these machines to clinics and salons.  The resident Dr wor injectable aesthetics and cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation and tummy tuck is Dr Faz Zavahir who regularly appears in the aesthetics journals.

020 7291 4554

#JuveaAesthetics #HarleyStreetLondon #DrFazAvahir #Aesthetics #CosmeticSurgery #NonSurgicalSolutions #LaserHairRemoval #ScuplSure #Cynosure #FDAApproved #FatDestroying #DoubleChinRemoval #ChinFatRemoval #NoPain #NoDiscomfort #NoDowntime #PermanentSolutions #JustJennyFromTheBlog


  1. Belkyra Double Chin Reduction offers a non-invasive path to a more defined jawline, boosting self-esteem with lasting, natural-looking results.
